Covers 160 sq. ft. (2 Coats)
AQUAFLEX KS - 100X is an outstanding waterproofing solution, and probably the best option available in Sri Lanka at present.
What makes AQUAFLEX KS - 100X unique is the addition of reinforced fiber particles to the waterproofing mix. When AQUAFLEX KS - 100X is correctly applied and cured, these fiber particles bond into a reinforcing net within the waterproofing. This reinforcing net radically enhances the bonding and strength of the waterproofing, as well as being an anti-cracking fiber within the waterproofing itself.
AQUAFLEX KS - 100X compares this property to 'Spider Silk' used in spider webs.
Surface Preparation
The surface on which AQUAFLEX KS - 100X must be thoroughly cleaned, ideally pressure washed. Inspect the surfaces thoroughly and check for holes, air pocket hollows, cracks and any other weak points. Use Water Plug ZT - 106F
Once the surface is prepared, hose down and ensure the surface is clean - no grime or loose particles, absolutely smooth.
Prior to application, the surface must be damp, but not have any water on the surface
Preparing Water Plug AQUAFLEX KS - 100X for Application
- Mixing Ratio - Liquid : Powder = 1: 2.77 (1 kg Liquid to 2.77 kgs Powder)
- Measure liquid into a mixing container / bucket
- Stir slowly while adding powder
- Stir for 3~5 minutes until the slurry is even and free of agglomerates (unmixed lumps)
- Rest for 5 minutes before application
- Use a brush or scraper to evenly coat the surface
- The thickness of each layer should be maintained at 0.7~1.0mm.
- Two Applications - 2 'Coats' of AQUAFLEX KS - 100X should applied on the surface
- One application must be vertically (up and down) and the other horizontally (sideways, from left to right)
- There must be a minimum cure time of 4 hours between applications
Curing time - 24 hours
Manufactured by:
Keshun Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd
Distributed in Sri Lanka by:
Speciality Construction Chemicals (Pvt) Limited
186, Nawala Rd,Nawala.Sri Lanka.
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