Water Pumps
A Water Pump is an integral part of a good Fish Tank or Pond. Water Pumps are used to move water from one point of your Tank or Pond to another point (filter), or to move water within the Tank or Pond to a waterfall, water blade, water fountain ect.
When purchasing a Water Pump, the pump must be rated to match, your end use, eg. A Water Pump for the Filter must be rated to match the Flow Rate of the Filter. An under or overrated Filter Pump, will either lead to your filter failing due to, too much flowrate or will under perform if the flowrate is too little.
A water pump that is beyond your requirement, will unnecessarily waste electricity
Water Pumps are rated by output per hour – Liters Per Hour (LPH) / Head Height
When choosing a Water Pump, factors that affect the Flow Rate (out-put)
When choosing a Water Pump, factors that affect the Flow Rate (out-put)
01. Height (Head) the water is to be pumped to
02. Distance from Pump to discharge
03. Diameter of pipes used in plumbing.
04. Number of outlets